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Transline Group
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Transline Group
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#23999 din 23999 de Companii din Servicii
Membru Gratuit din 2015
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Scrie o parere
Transline Group Transline Group 0316301619 Mihail Kogalniceanu, Brasov, Brasov
Produse si servicii

furnizare de forta de munca, logistica, distributie, tehnic, transporturi

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere


Nr. angajati

peste 1000

Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2015!
Transline Group is one of the UK's, Europe's and Canada's most experienced human resource organisations, boasting over 20 years of service to all industry sectors.

We specialise in helping our existing clients expand into new areas by meeting and exceeding their growing staffing needs. In addition, we pride ourselves on providing new customers with customised solutions designed specifically to drive their performance and production. We offer the most reliable, innovative and efficient service from the outset.

Innovation is at the core of our business, and this allows us to offer unique solutions created by highly industry-qualified consultants. Our experience ranges across all disciplines and in a wide range of industry sectors, with staff augmentation solutions that can be phased in and out to meet all business needs and cycles, using proven and targeted recruitment initiatives where skills are abundant.

We offer a broad portfolio of recruitment services, developing the most effective recommendations for each client's needs, and always provide unsurpassed quality, consistency and measureable, cost-effective results.

For further information about the company please visit:
Din Gura in Gura